Suspended License Lawyer Bloomington IL
Top Bloomington IL Suspended License Lawyer 
While on occasion, a suspended driver’s license might be the price one has to pay for a poor decision or mistake, a revoked driver’s license is the sign of a truly problematic and dangerous action (or series of actions). Having one’s driving privileges revoked can cause untold problems for the person and their family, and in many cases, there is no guarantee of ultimate reinstatement.
An experienced suspended license lawyer Bloomington IL residents rely on understands that one of the most intimidating experiences a driver can have is to have the blue flashing lights of a police officer coming up from behind, signaling to pull over. Even drivers who are entirely innocent of any wrongdoing may become very nervous during the encounter. This can lead the police officer to suspect that the driver may be doing something illegal such as driving under the influence. The lawyers at Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols have successfully represented many clients who were arrested and faced serious penalties such as loss of driving privileges.
Causes of Revocation
In recent years, the number of actions which may ultimately lead to license revocation in Illinois has grown somewhat and now includes offenses which are at best tangentially related to driving. As a suspended license lawyer can explain, lawmakers reason that driving is such an invaluable privilege that putting it on the proverbial chopping block may move offenders to do all they can to address whatever situation is causing problems between them and the state. Still, it does mean that the possibility of revocation is higher than it used to be, which can be dangerous for many. Some of the most common causes of driver’s license revocation include the following:
Reckless Driving
Being charged with an offense such as reckless driving will leave you experiencing feelings of anxiety, guilt, and worry over the future. If you have been charged with reckless driving, you will be apprehensive for the road that lies ahead. Working with a suspended license lawyer who represents reckless driving cases may prove to be beneficial throughout this stressful process. Their assistance will be key to understanding the ramifications of such a charge and the penalties should you be convicted. With their experience, they may also be able to look over your specific case and possibly help you in receiving a reduced charge.
Receiving a reckless driving charge is far more significant than receiving a ticket for a standard traffic violation. As a result, the consequences can be far greater. Reckless driving is when a person operating a motor vehicle does not adhere to traffic laws in such a way that is so serious it puts others at risk for being harmed. The following are examples of driving actions that may constitute a reckless driving charge:
- Driving more than 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit
- Racing with other cars on the road
- Texting and driving
- Passing a school bus that is letting children off
- Passing an ambulance or not pulling over when they are trying to pass
- Not stopping for a police officer when they are attempting to pull you over for a traffic stop
- Driving aggressively
- Depending on the state where you live, the repercussions can vary in terms of severity
Each state manages charges of reckless driving differently. A conviction means that the offense will be on your criminal record. The impact of this could be significant, especially when it comes to obtaining employment. This could especially sway a potential employer’s decision if the job you are attempting to acquire, requires that you drive for work. While penalties can range based on where a person lives, generally a person can expect one or more of the following should they find themselves convicted:
- You may be put on probation, meaning that you will need to adhere to the standards that have been put in place surrounding this. You would likely be required to check in regularly with a probation officer and follow the terms of your probation. Failure to do so could result in more serious consequences, even jail time.
- Some people may find that they are facing potential jail time. If this is not the first time you have been charged or convicted of reckless driving, you will want to speak with an attorney to weigh your options.
- Heavy fines may also result. Depending on the severity of the charge and whether or not this is a repeat offense will help determine the magnitude of fines you may be required to pay.
- While this can vary, in a number of situations, people have lost their license as the result of a reckless driving conviction. For people heavily reliant on driving to get themselves where they need to go, this could be a huge burden.
When it comes to the penalties of reckless driving, there are a number of variations to the consequences a person may face. With a Bloomington IL suspended license lawyer, together you will be able to go over your case details. They may be helpful in preparing you for what you should expect should you be convicted of reckless driving.
A reckless driving charge can come with its’ fair share of complexities. By working with a Bloomington IL attorney, you are more likely for your interests to be protected throughout the legal process. Speaking with a suspended license lawyer Bloomington IL clients recommend can help put your mind at ease when it comes to sorting out the best way to move forward. A suspended license lawyer will be able to partner with you, every step of the way.
DUI Charges
In Illinois, if you have been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, you are not only facing criminal charges, but may also be facing a statutory summary suspension, as well. A seasoned suspended license lawyer Bloomington IL clients call knows that when a person is arrested for DUI, the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office is also notified. Their office may immediately begin the process of suspending a person’s driver’s license, even before the criminal case is resolved. This is especially true if the driver refused to submit to chemical testing or their test result revealed a .08 or more amount of alcohol in their system.
A person arrested for driving under the influence only has 46 days to challenge a summary suspension. Once that time has expired, then the person’s license is suspended for a minimum of three months, up to a maximum of three years, depending on the circumstances of the charges.
Keep in mind that the administrative hearing that determines statutory summary suspension is entirely separate from the criminal charges. An accused person can be found not guilty in criminal court, yet still have their license revoked by the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office. This is why it is crucial to seek the representation of a professional suspended license lawyer Bloomington IL who is familiar with administrative hearings and can prepare a solid defense to obtain the best possible outcome from that hearing.
Separate from the administrative hearing is the criminal case. Even if you agreed to a chemical test and the results showed you were over the legal limit of .08, your lawyer will examine all of the evidence, including whether or not there may have been an issue with the equipment used for your chemical test or if the test operator was properly trained. Your lawyer may also examine any videotapes of the traffic stop, the arrest, and jail processing to see if the police followed the correct procedures and your constitutional rights were not compromised or violated.
Let a Suspended License Lawyer Bloomington IL Clients Recommend Help
If you have been arrested and are facing loss of driving privileges, it is important that you speak to a Bloomington suspended license lawyer right away. The lawyers at Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols have fought for the accused for three generations and will use all available resources to give you the best defense possible for both your administrative hearing and criminal trial. Call a professional suspended license lawyer Bloomington IL provides today for a free consultation.
Other Reasons to Call a Suspended License Lawyer
A Bloomington IL suspended license lawyer has also defended clients who have lost their right to drive because of the following reasons:
- Too many parking tickets: If you receive a certain number of parking tickets and they remain unpaid, it is possible for certain municipalities (or those of any other municipality) to request a revocation or suspension of your license until the obligation is satisfied.
- Unpaid child support: Each state has statues on the law books that permit the driver’s license of a parent who has not paid child support in a certain number of months to be suspended or revoked.
- Being convicted of a serious crime involving the use of a vehicle, such as transporting drugs or fleeing the scene of an accident.
Is Reinstatement Possible?
In many situations, reinstatement of one’s driver’s license is possible, but it is also important to understand that appeals are very commonly denied. The issue is whether or not a particular driver is considered a risk to public safety, and without significant demonstration of an understanding of that care, a court will likely decline to reinstate the person’s driving privileges. If a person has, for example, begun attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings (in the case of someone convicted of DUI), this would speak in their favor – though it would not likely be a deciding factor if it were the only step taken to demonstrate change.
Even if a person demonstrates that they are little or no risk to public safety and thus gains eligibility for full reinstatement of their license, they will likely be asked to drive first on a restricted driving permit (RDP), also called a hardship license. The rationale is to allow a sort of trial run before granting one’s full license back. If one is able to drive on an RDP with no incidents, they may be able to get their license reinstated.
Consult an Experienced Suspended License Lawyer
Fear of losing one’s driving privileges permanently can be a remarkably effective deterrent in terms of committing vehicular crimes, but if one experiences a lapse in judgment or makes a mistake, all need not be lost. The suspended license lawyer Bloomington IL from Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols will work hard to try and attain a satisfactory outcome for all involved in such cases. Contact our office today to set up an initial consultation.
Client Review
“Friendly, and knowledgeable. Joe made the bankruptcy process less stressful. My wife and I are happy we went with him.”
Chad Orten