Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have made a claim for injuries to an insurance company, the company will want to have its own “expert” perform a Compulsory Medical Examination (CME). It may also be referred to as an Independent Medical Exam (IME). The insurance industry pays for medical professionals to try to get an unbiased assessment of injuries in order to minimize the chance of someone gaming the system or claiming they have an injury just to get a settlement. Here is what you need to know if you are asked to get a compulsory medical examination.
While we would like to believe that all physicians truly take the Hippocratic Oath to heart, it sadly isn’t always the case. There are a few who have realized that there is a lot of money to be made if they sell a diagnosis. Insurance companies don’t want to pay out any more than necessary, so if they have a doctor who disproves the injury claim, they will most likely continue to use that person as their expert witness. Don’t let this scare you. Just be aware so that you aren’t surprised if you hear from the doctor or insurance contact that the diagnosis was contrary to what you expect.
If you are lucky enough to see a physician who truly is interested in providing an unbiased opinion, remember that they will likely be assessing your behavior and demeanor, as well. Don’t make light of the situation. Approach the assessment with the seriousness and honesty it deserves.
You May Be Watched
There are some medical professionals that will falsely testify that they watched a patient perform a movement while leaving the office that was supposedly not possible based on the claim. Not only will the doctor or medical staff watch you, but you may actually be under surveillance. It could be worth a lot of money to the insurance company if they can catch you doing something that disproves the existence or extent of your injury or disability. While it may be legal, it can be frightening to know that someone is following you and taking pictures or videos of you without your permission. If you find that you are being followed, call the police.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
Keep in mind that anything and everything, including your age or prior medical history will be used to try to deflect blame for your injuries. Protect yourself by consulting a licensed personal injury lawyer in Longwood, FL who is experienced in personal injury cases.