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Do You Have to Pay Medical Bills From Your Personal Injury Claim?

Published on August 18th, 2019

Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury claim can take a while to settle. Often, it can be a long process, depending on your injuries and the complexities of your case. You think about your settlement and wonder if you have to pay the medical bills. The short answer is probably, yes, you do. The long answer is that your attorney may have to write the check to pay the bills.

What Happens When Your Case Is Settled?

When you and the other party’s insurance company come to a settlement decision, the insurance company will send a check to your lawyer. This check will typically be made out to you, the attorney and anyone who has made a lien against the claim. Your lawyer will deposit the money into the firm’s trust account.

If a medical provider has filed a lien against your insurance claim, your attorney will have to pay that first, before any other money is taken out of the settlement. If you have medical bills that don’t apply to the lien, you will be responsible for paying those bills out of your portion. Your lawyer may offer to send payments to the medical providers, but that money still comes out of your settlement.

The lawyer will also take out fees and expenses before giving you the proceeds of the settlement. This is based on your contract with them. A portion of the settlement may also go toward the expert witnesses, mediation and court costs.

If your lawyer doesn’t pay the medical bills, it’s a good idea to get your accounts in order when you get your money. You don’t want the outstanding bills to keep accumulating interest and going to collections.

How Can You Keep More Money?

Before your case is settled, you may want to negotiate with your medical providers to reduce medical bills. You cannot negotiate a lien amount, but you can negotiate with doctors or providers who haven’t filed a lien. You may also be able to negotiate a lower payment once you have money in hand by paying the entire portion, provided a lien wasn’t filed.

Need Help With Your Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Personal injury lawsuits are not a DIY project. There are many elements that factor into your claim. A personal injury lawyer can help you maximize your settlement and help you through the process to get the best possible outcome. Contact a catastrophic injury lawyer in Trenton, NJ who has experience and knowledge in dealing with personal injury claims to get started.


Thanks to Davis & Brusca for their insight into personal injury claims and paying for medical bills.

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