Upper back pain is a common injury among workers, including office workers. Even though officer workers may not do a lot of physical labor, they can still endure a lot of stress to the muscles throughout the arms, neck and back.
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Office workers are prone to repetitive stress injuries. These types of injuries usually involve repetitive motions. Employees who work in front of the computer all day, for instance, are in risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. If an employee has to perform the same task for hours at a time, upper back pain may manifest as a repetitive stress injury.
Documenting the Injury
It’s very unlikely that these types of injuries result from only one incident. They actually develop slowly over time. While this can make it more tricky for an employee to give documentation of the injury, it is still entirely possible to win a workers’ compensation claim.
An employee can actually provide the necessary documentation of the development of a repetitive stress injury in many different ways. For example, he or she may have a long employment record or notify the employer of a potential stress injury.
It’s also important to have medical documentation for a workers’ compensation claim. Make an appointment to see a doctor regarding your injury and have him or her provide any necessary treatment. This will help heal your injuries and provide documentation that you were indeed hurt.
Contact a Work Injury Attorney
If you have been experiencing upper back pain, it might not be a good idea to continue working. Doing so can put even more stress on your back and worsen the injury. Once you realize that you may have an injury, it is important to contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. He or she can help you file a claim against your employer and obtain the money you deserve for your injury.
A skilled workers’ compensation lawyer such as the Workers Compensation Lawyers NY locals trust can do all the legwork for you while you recover from your injury. He or she can communicate with insurance adjusters on your behalf and make sure you don’t get taken advantage of. Insurance companies often try to offer settlement offers that are too low. Many workers’ compensation lawyers offer free initial consultations, so do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with one today. You deserve to be compensated for your injuries.
Thanks to authors at Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen, P.C. for their insight into Worker’s Compensation Law.