107 E Eureka Ave, #1
Eureka, IL 61530
121 N Main St
Bloomington, IL 61701
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Divorce Lawyer Bloomington IL


When you need a divorce lawyer Bloomington IL provides, call Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols. Our lawyers understand the emotional and financial difficulties of filing for divorce. We provide compassionate service for our clients and simultaneously fight hard for their rights.

A divorce can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. A poorly handled divorce may create more problems in the future and cost precious time and money. An experienced divorce lawyer can protect your legal rights concerning issues of the distribution of property, alimony and support, custody of children, and the maintenance of insurance, just to name a few.

A Bloomington divorce lawyer from Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols may negotiate on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome. If you are unsure of whether or not you need a lawyer, consider the following to help you come to a decision. Call us today to request a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable divorce lawyers.


In most situations, people should consider getting legal assistance when entering divorce proceedings. A divorce lawyer Bloomington IL residents hire can have a profoundly positive impact on the outcome of their divorce. This is especially true in the following scenarios:

  • Your spouse hired a divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL
  • You have minor children
  • Your spouse is lying, vindictive, or untrustworthy and you feel you need legal protection ( Learn about Does Cheating Affect Divorce?)
  • Your spouse is abusing you and/or the children in any way
  • Your divorce proceeding will include complex financial arrangements

In negotiations involving complex property division, it may be especially beneficial to receive legal counsel from an experienced divorce lawyer. Illinois equitable distribution laws could make it easy for one partner to receive more than what he or she deserves. If the other side files motions and presents documents to the court that could hurt your case, a competent divorce lawyer may know how to challenge that evidence and make sure the opposition doesn’t take advantage of you.

Child Custody

At Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols we understand that one of the most contentious issues in a divorce is the child custody arrangement. When children are involved, emotions tend to run very stronger when a couple is in the midst of divorcing. When of the parents is choosing a Bloomington divorce lawyer they very often want to know if the attorney has experience in dealing with child custody issues. Understandable. Our attorneys are knowledgeable in all areas of child custody laws and stay abreast on pending legislation. When a parent needs a divorce lawyer Bloomington IL families turn to, they call Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols.

A divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL from Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols can assist you to get the custody arrangement that works best for your child. A successful parenting plan requires clarity and well thought out details. Because of our experience, we take a proactive approach in working out details before they become a problem. A Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols divorce lawyer Bloomington IL residents turn to during acrimonious divorce proceedings will make every effort to negotiate with your spouse to avoid petitioning the court. One of our attorneys can help you develop a parenting plan that takes into account visitation schedules and custody.

How a Child Custody Attorney Can Be Beneficial

When divorcing couples cannot work out child custody issues on their own, they must consent to a judge’s decision. If at all possible, this should be avoided because the final decisions may not be preferable for either party. However, it can be difficult for the parents to come to any agreement under the circumstances. A divorce lawyer Bloomington IL parents turn to from Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols can be a neutral voice, one who does not have the emotional ties to either party. This can help the proceedings move faster and at the same time, protect the best interests of the children.

Do I Need a Lawyer for My Child Support Case?

If you are currently navigating a relatively straightforward child support matter, you may be wondering whether it is “worth it” to seek legal guidance at this time. After all, no one likes spending their valuable time, money and energy on services that are neither necessary nor enjoyable. If seeking legal representation is unnecessary in your situation, it would make sense to simply “do it yourself.”

However, it is important to understand that in terms of most family legal disputes and processes, it is generally not a good idea to forgo professional legal representation. Although representing yourself could save you a few dollars upfront in legal fees, approaching a child support matter without experienced legal assistance could cost you a great deal in the long-run.

For this reason, it is generally a good idea to, at minimum, schedule a consultation with a Bloomington, Illinois divorce lawyer before committing to representing yourself. The legal team at Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols would be happy to listen to any questions you may have and to advise you of your legal options in order to better ensure that you make an informed decision about your child support representation needs.

Why Legal Representation for a Child Support Matter Is Important

Even when a child support challenge seems relatively straightforward, there are two critical reasons to consider retaining legal assistance rather than representing yourself. First, an experienced Bloomington, IL divorce lawyer understands what paperwork must be filed (and how it should be filed) in such cases. Avoiding court-related paperwork filing mistakes is a must and an attorney can help you to do just that. Second, even the most straightforward issues can suddenly become complicated due to any number of reasons. If you end up in front of a judge or needing to negotiate with the attorney retained by your child’s other parent, it is important to have an experienced Bloomington, IL divorce lawyer advocating on your behalf.

Child Support Assistance Is Available

If you have questions about the child support process generally or representation related to child support matters specifically, please consider scheduling a consultation with a Bloomington, IL divorce lawyer at your earliest convenience. Too often, individuals only seek legal guidance once they feel either totally overwhelmed or “trapped in a corner” by a legal issue. If you are questioning whether you can/should handle your child support matter yourself or you should seek legal representation, you are likely not yet consumed by your child support challenges. At this point in the process, our firm will be more than happy to explore your situation with you so that you can make an informed decision about which route to take.

If you believe that, like most individuals grappling with child support matters, you will benefit from experienced representation, a Bloomington, IL divorce lawyer can help to support you through your legal process. But even if you ultimately decide to pursue your child support issues on your own, speaking with a professional at our firm first will help to ensure that your decision is informed and that you receive answers to any pressing questions or concerns you may have at this time. Should you opt to represent yourself and later decide that you could benefit from representation, we can speak with you about how this process may work as well. We look forward to meeting with you.

Spousal Support

For many couples who are divorcing, spousal support is an issue that needs to be determined. It is not always the husband who is expected to make payments to his soon-to-be-ex-wife. If the wife was the primary breadwinner, then the husband may petition the court for alimony. In either scenario, it’s important to have a skilled divorce lawyer Bloomington IL respects so that your voice can be heard.

Types of Spousal Support

There are several types of spousal support, also known as alimony. A divorce lawyer Bloomington IL locals turn to from Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols when they need assistance with spousal support agreements can help you too. Here are the four most common solutions:

  1. Temporary spousal support. Also known as alimony, this is often arranged when the couple has separated but not yet finalized their divorce. This intended to provide the spouse who is not the primary earner to maintain the level of their lifestyle that they enjoyed during the marriage.
  2. Rehabilitative spousal support. This type of alimony temporarily supports the spouse who did not work, or did not make as much money as the primary earner, to return to school or attend job training. This is also often awarded to the parent who has primary custody of their very young children so that they can stay at home to raise them. Usually, this type of alimony is for a set period of time, or when the situation changes such as if the receiver becomes employed.
  3. Permanent spousal support. This type of alimony continues until either spouse passes away. It can also stop if the one who is receiving the support remarries, though not necessarily. Though this is intended to be a permanent, or semi-permanent arrangement, the payments can be increased or decreased depending on the circumstances. For instance, if the recipient begins making substantially more income from their job, the payments might decrease. If they lose their job, the payments might increase.
  4. Reimbursement spousal support. In instances where the recipient paid the expenses of the payer spouse earlier in their marriage, such as putting them through graduate school, this is intended to pay them back. For this reason, the amount may be a lump sum or paid in increments.


The attorneys of Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols can review your case at no charge. A case review can give you a better idea of whether or not you need a divorce lawyer. Our legal team is well versed in Illinois’ complex divorce laws. A divorce lawyer Bloomington IL citizens hire under similar circumstances can negotiate a settlement on your behalf that protects your rights as much as possible.


We are equipped to help you with all aspects of the dissolution of your marriage, legal separation or annulment. We strive to help clients reach amicable solutions through negotiation and mediation but we are always prepared to fight for our clients’ interests in court.

At Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols, we represent men and women in divorce cases in Bloomington, Eureka, Washington, Peoria, and the surrounding towns. We are highly skilled and thorough in our approach to divorce law, and we give each divorce case the attention that it deserves. Learn about Amicable Divorces.


A divorce can be an emotionally charged event that can wreak many years of havoc. With a seasoned attorney by your side, you reduce the risk of losing at the divorce table. Call Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols without delay to speak with a skilled divorce lawyer Bloomington IL offers.

When Is the Best Time to Divorce?

As it is with many major life transitions, there is no “perfect” time to seek a divorce. In general, the best time to file for divorce is whatever day seems healthiest for you and your family. With that said, it can be beneficial to seek the guidance of an experienced divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL before committing to a divorce filing date. There are numerous considerations to weigh when determining what your healthiest and “best” time to divorce may be.

Timing Your Divorce

One of the first considerations that may impact your divorce timing involves the kind of divorce you hope to pursue. Will your divorce likely be quite contentious and require a judge to intervene in order to decide matters like property division? Or will you and your spouse likely be able to resolve any process-related differences through mediation and/or Bloomington IL divorce lawyer-led negotiation? If your divorce is likely to be contentious, your timing may impact your case more than it would if your divorce is likely to be relatively amicable.

If you have any minor children, you also may need to consider how the timing of your divorce process may impact them. Parents often decide, for example, to avoid initiating a divorce filing during the winter holiday season. Other parents are determined to time their divorce so that the bulk of practical changes occur during the summer months. This approach can be helpful if a child’s education is going to be impacted in a significant way by the timing of your divorce.

If you and/or your spouse is in your 50s or older, you may want to have a discussion with your Bloomington IL divorce lawyer about how the timing of your divorce may impact retirement and/or government benefits. Even if you decide to wait to file for divorce, you may want to modify your estate plan according to your current wishes sooner rather than later.

When you are thinking about how you want to time your divorce, please consider that the “paperwork” side of this process tends to progress more slowly than the practical side. Please consider discussing this disconnect with your divorce lawyer, as it may ultimately impact the ways in which you choose to time your filing.

Divorce Assistance Is Available

If you have questions about timing your divorce specifically or about the divorce process more generally, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with an experienced family law attorney at your earliest possible convenience. Too often, individuals only seek legal guidance when they are in trouble or have a truly urgent legal quandary. In truth, lawyers can serve as excellent resources at virtually any time. Asking questions early and often in your divorce process may help you to sidestep common missteps that Americans tend to make when divorcing. No question is too “silly” to bring to an attorney when you are beginning a major life transition. The process of legally divorcing your spouse can be daunting, but you do not have to navigate it alone. Call Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols to set up a free and confidential consultation with a dedicated divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL.

A divorce can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. A poorly handled divorce may create more problems in the future and cost precious time and money. An experienced divorce lawyer can protect your legal rights concerning issues of the distribution of property, alimony and support, custody of children, and the maintenance of insurance, just to name a few.

At Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols we represent men and women in divorce cases in Bloomington, Eureka, Washington, Peoria, and the surrounding towns. We are highly skilled and thorough in our approach to divorce law, and will give your divorce case the attention that it deserves.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Divorce

It goes without saying that a divorce is stressful. Unfortunately, when you are under all of this stress, you might not think rationally. It’s easy to make mistakes that you may later regret, as a divorce lawyer Bloomington IL residents trust can attest. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid in a divorce:

  • Arguing With Your Spouse in Front of Your Kids: No matter how angry you are with your spouse, it’s usually advisable not to argue with your spouse front of your children. If you feel yourself getting angry while speaking to your spouse, you should walk away before a fight happens.
  • Hiding Assets: Remember to let your divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL know about all the assets you currently have. If you do not disclose all of your assets, you could find yourself in some hot water. You may lose credibility in front of the judge and compromise any agreements that have already been put in place. Your lawyer can help you understand how jointly-held assets could be divided in your divorce.
  • Allowing Your Emotions Cloud Your Judgment: It is common to feel a wide range of emotions during a divorce. However, if you let these emotions cloud your judgment, you could end up making decisions that you later regret. For example, you might fight for assets you do not even want. That’s why it may be important to have a divorce lawyer Bloomington IL clients respect by your side. Your lawyer may offer objectivity and prevent you from making bad decisions.
  • Not Complying With Court Orders: After you or your spouse have filed for divorce, the court may give you various orders regarding support payments and other issues. It is crucial that you follow these orders. If you don’t, you risk losing ground in your divorce case, as a divorce lawyer Bloomington IL residents rely on can confirm.
  • Arriving to Visitations Late: If the judge has arranged visitations with your children, make sure to arrive to them on time. If you can’t help but be late to a visit, make sure to let your spouse know ahead of time.

Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer Bloomington IL Has To Offer

Choosing the right Bloomington divorce lawyer is one of the most important decisions you can make during your divorce. To determine if a divorce lawyer Bloomington IL residents depend on is right for you, consider asking the following questions during the initial consultation:

  • How long have you practiced family law?
  • How long do you think it will take to resolve my case?
  • How long do you take to return phone calls?
  • Based on the information I gave you about my divorce case, how do you predict the judge will rule on it?
  • How long do you take to respond to phone calls? How do I reach you if I have an emergency?


We are equipped to help you with all aspects of the dissolution of your marriage, legal separation or annulment. We strive to help clients reach amicable solutions through negotiation and mediation but we are always prepared to fight for our client’s interests in court.


In negotiations involving complex property division, if you do not have a competent attorney on your side it is all too easy to get ran over by the other side – especially in regard to Illinois equitable distribution laws. If the other side files motions and presents documents to the court that could hurt your case, a competent divorce lawyer will know how to challenge that evidence and make sure the opposition doesn’t take advantage of you.

A good divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL understands that for many clients, going through the divorce process can be an emotional and frustrating experience. At Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols, we know that our clients may be overwhelmed when they come to us for counsel. For that reason, we are here for them even as we fully pursue justice on their behalf.

The Evolving Divorce Process

Divorce and other family law issues fall under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA). The IMDMA went through a major overhaul in 2016, with significant changes in areas such as grounds for divorce, spousal maintenance, child custody, and child support. There are additional changes that Illinois lawmakers have implemented that have yet to go into effect.

All these changes mean that it’s critical to retain the services of a divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL who is highly knowledgeable regarding current and impending Illinois family law statutes and regulations. Some couples who are in the process of legally separating or divorcing do not even consider retaining a divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL and represent themselves instead. Attempting to represent yourself can result in costly delays in your case, or losing it entirely, because of complex legal rules and regulations. This includes filing and responding to motions and other legal matters.

Legal Deadlines

For example, the courts require stringent deadlines in how long litigants have for responding to motions filed by the other party. A skilled Bloomington divorce lawyer knows that a missed deadline could cost a person their chance at their share of the marital estate or – even more devastating – custody of their children.

At Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols, each divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL stays up-to-date on the ever-evolving changes in Illinois family and divorce legislation.

How May a Bloomington Divorce Lawyer Help Me?

Just as every marriage is different, so is every divorce. There will be decisions that you and your spouse may need to make that other couples did not have to address. Some of the critical family law issues that a divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL may assist you with include:

1. Allocation of parental responsibilities and Parenting time

Allocation of family time was previously referred to as child custody and parenting time was previously referred to as visitation. The changes were made during last year’s IMDMA overhaul to make these two important issues more “family-friendly.”

In deciding allocation of parental responsibilities, there are four different areas where one parent will be responsible for the decision-making. The goal is to have both parents discuss and jointly agree on these four areas of a child’s life, however, if for some reason, they cannot come to an agreement, then the parent who is “allocated” that area makes the final decision. The four areas are:

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Religion
  4. Extra-curricular activities.

Separate from the parental responsibilities is the parenting time. It is the goal of the courts to come up with a schedule they can both agree on, however, if they are unable to do this, then the court will do it for them.

Ideally, both parents will agree on both how responsibilities and parenting time should be divided and come up with one parenting plan. If they are unable to do so, then each parent can have their divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL draft separate parenting plans and the court will make the final decision.

2. Child Support

Beginning in July 2017, Illinois is implementing a new way to determine child support. Under the current law, child support is determined using the net income of the parent paying support, along with how many children he or she is paying for. The new law uses the income share model.

A divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL understands that this model says that a child support should be the same amount that would have been allotted to the child if the parents were living together. Under this approach, the courts will use tables which will be provided by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services to determine the amount. The new law also considers the number of hours of parenting time the paying parent has, something the old law does not do.

3. Marital Estate Issues

When a couple is ending their marriage, there are also serious financial decisions that need to be made. These issues include:

  • Asset division
  • Property division
  • Division of family business
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Allocation of marital debt
  • Spousal maintenance (also referred to as spousal support or alimony)

4. Legal Separation vs. Divorce

Some couples who are having marital problems may decide not to file for divorce immediately and instead decide they want a legal separation. They may do this to see if they can work things out, or perhaps they are avoiding a divorce for religious reasons.

  • A legal separation can address similar issues as a divorce, such as child custody and financial support.
  • A legal separation can also determine which spouse will live in the family home, and whether there will be any spousal support paid by either party.

If you are not sure which would be the right choice for you — divorce or legal separation — a divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL can discuss your options with you.

Contact a Bloomington Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering ending your marriage, there are certain steps you may want to take to ensure you receive the best possible divorce settlement that you and your children deserve. A dedicated divorce lawyer in Bloomington IL can discuss what those steps are, and what the best ways are to complete those steps. Knowing what documents and records you should make sure you obtain beforehand may help in ensuring a fair distribution of your marital estate.

Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols Attorneys at Law have been advocating for clients in the Bloomington area for more than 80 years and are available to discuss your situation during a complimentary case evaluation.


A divorce can be an emotionally charged event that can wreak many years of havoc. With a seasoned attorney by your side, you reduce the risk of losing at the divorce table. Call Pioletti Pioletti & Nichols without delay at 309-467-3213 to speak with a skilled divorce lawyer Bloomington IL offers.


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“They did a good job in getting my case dismissed. Very reassuring and reliable.”
Elizabeth Abe
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Joe Pioletti helped us win a case with a notorious realty, he was very honest and forthright about the terms of the case. He kept us up to date with the court date and made a great offer on our behalf. We received our settlement in a timely
matter as well! Take a chance with
Pioletti, you won’t regret it!



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